
Amazing blog post! ❤ Lots of Love to my sister!

MoonRose Asylum

Evil Mel

Every little girl dreams of being the princess, but those rare villains come along that are so awesome, that you can’t help but want to be one too. Disney’s Maleficent is one of those for me, So when I heard Dizzy over at DRBC was doing an outfit based on the movie, I couldn’t help myself and a few family members were enchanted into joining me. Come join me on the journey of meeting the woman behind the scorn, her tale and trials as her story went largely untold till now

Casting    Mel 1   Snapshot_005

We all know that words can hurt and betrayal cuts even deeper, a magnificent powerful being brought to complete hatred and darkness so bleak that it freezes to the marrow of the soul. A story where true love, not a romantic love where the prince saves the day, but a love that goes even deeper, that of…

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